Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Must've Been Lookin' Fine This Morning...

Well, actually, I know this is not the case because I never look good if my final destination is my office, so let me rephrase:

I Must've Been Lettin' Off Some Serious Pheromones This Morning...

...because the little guy in the business suit who was power walking - literally - across the street so as not to get hit by the Fresh Direct truck, stopped mid-stride to check me out [Read: almost got plowed and covered in fresh fruits and veggies to take a gander at yours truly].

Then, the Somewhere Over the Rainbow-singin' bum in the subway didn't hassle me, and I caught another little business suit guy checking me out. Was my nipple hanging out of my shirt again? Why all of the attention this morning?

My commute ended when some guy tapped me on the shoulder and told me "You dropped this," as he handed me his business card. "I thought I'd try..."

I'm going to have to wear my hair in a wet bun and read Salman Rushdie on the train a little more often. After all, I needed a new bookmark and the business card worked like a charm.


bufflo said...

What did that guy's business card say?

Gigi said...

Page 115.

Anonymous said...

The wet bun leads me to believe that you actually took a shower today...maybe that's it???


Jennifer said...

Wow - love days like these!

Nothing said...

Is wet bun a code word for your minge?

Anonymous said...

Can a guy really use the "I think you dropped this..." line?

I can make business cards and give them back to cute chicks that "dropped" them?

Gigi said...

I think it's an endearing line, but it can only work for a certain few. This guy is one of those few.

If I wasn't so smitten with D, I would've written him just to say, "No really, I don't think you're a dumbshit. It was kinda cute."

Nothing said...

60% of the time it works every time...