Thursday, June 15, 2006

Beware the Wild "Bufflo"

I'm trying to put the face on the left onto the body on the right, but I'm not really having any luck since I don't have Photoshop. As such, I must rely on you to be a bit imaginative as I introduce you to "bufflo." Bufflo has really stepped up to the plate lately - appointing himself the blog's official bodyguard. He is so effective, in fact, that he actually keeps tons of readers off of the blog daily. One might think that this is an effect of boring entries or bad writing, but tis not so. It's just Bufflo's mad skillz. Oh yeah, he's an animal when it comes to the comment boards; spreading fear across the land and all that...


Nothing said...

It contains real Bufflo bits, so you know it's good.

Ben said...

I think a better picture for the right hand side would have been a donkey.