Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Disappointment Factor

Last night I was talking to D about recent articles he read in Details (because these are the deep issues we discuss).

He described one article about professional men who marry successful professional women in hopes of maintaining a high dual income. The catch is that these women—who, in turn, married these professional men in hopes of staying home with the kids since their husbands' earnings allow it—often quit their jobs to do just that. The husband is ultimately disappointed with his decision and, most likely, his wife.

I assured D that he won't have to worry about this. Since I don't bring home the bacon like some high power women, he'll never be living under false pretenses, nor will he be disappointed if I decide to stay home.

"If I was making a lot, you'd lose a lot. Since I don't make anything, you're not losing anything. I've decreased the disappointment factor."

D was pleased with this rationalization, and the extra credit I added in: "If, in a surprising turn of events, I end up making a lot of money, I'll actually increase the "pleasantly surprised factor."

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