Friday, January 13, 2006

The Job Situation

I found a job listing for what would be my absolute dream job: an editor position at a women's publication where I would be responsible for feature articles, celebrity interviews, so on and so forth. I sent my resume and writing clips in and the recruiter responsible for hiring got back to me immediately. We spoke for 40 minutes. She loved my writing clips, although she did mention that the booger metaphors in the Matthew Lesko interview kinda grossed her out. She described every aspect of the job to me, asked me if I could make it to Chicago (yep, Chicago) for an interview and if I was willing to relocate. Yes and yes. D is in Chicago, so that's an added bonus, but he's willing to move to NYC if I ever land a job out here, so it's not, by any means, a driving force.

We ended the conversation with my promise to send her references (which I did in about .5 secs) and her getting back to me with word from the company. I didn't hear back from her the next day so I emailed her today and asked what was going on. You know, I wanted to know so I could make travel arrangements and all that...

She wrote back and said that they thought I was a little bit too "alternative" for them. That maybe I would be more comfortable at a "downtown" publication.


I love corporate America! I especially love HR fuck-ups (read: family studies major flunkies) who play God with my life. Can't you point your cursatory finger at someone else? I've worked entirely way too hard for such blind judgment by similarly-sighted fools. And, on top of all that, I hate you. Every single one of you.

I wrote back and sent a very sterile writing clip I had from Chicago magazine. Maybe that will be dry enough. I hope so. I really want the job. Sob.