Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dirty Little Secret # 39085095802385fgs

I made the following confession to my Publisher friend yesterday:

"I listened to 'The Da Vinci Code' on audiobook. I vowed to never read the book based on the first 5 pages of simple writing and the fact that everyone loved it, but now I'm addicted. Don’t tell anyone."

This was his response:

"Oh, you are going to have to figure out some way to bribe me if you don’t want me telling people that you are addicted to Da Vinci. Seriously though, I read that book in a single sitting (on a flight to London) and was totally enraptured while I was reading it. At the end of the flight, because I felt so guilty about liking it, I saw a woman eyeing it so I just gave it to her. That way at least, I balanced out the fact that I actually paid Riverhead and Dan Brown for that book."

I’m fully repenting for my sin by sending this confession to Post Secret or Secret Deodorant (who coincidentally stole the former's idea and turned it into a lackluster marketing campaign. Yawn.)


DCchick said...

oh, I LOVED that book. But I also loved the other 3 he wrote.

Not because it was a cult following, but because I like how he mixes fiction and fact. It makes you think.

At least it made me think.

Plus, I'm a conspiracy junkie. what's not to love about that book???

Gigi said...

It was really good. The only thing I didn't like about it was the actual writing, but I solved that problem by listening to the audiobook.